When I wake up , russia’s big war gonna be two years old.
Two. whole. years since russia attacked Kyiv, attacked Ukrainian cities and started full-scale war against us.
Actually, 10 whole years since beginning of the war -
but not like that.
Not with air raid sirens all over the country.
Not with being afraid to open Facebook and see another friend’s obituary.
Not knowing whether you still will have a home tomorrw.
will you still be alive tomorrow

Two. Whole. Years.
You know, I still remember never being touched by war -
It seems I felt much lighter, but it makes sense.
since after war crawled inside me
I bound to be

But with time, I started to see it as my strength. That helps me talk. Helps me share the stories of war - and not shatter.
Helps me be there for you when you want to share your stories of war, that I know you have too.
So join me tomorrow, this Saturday, to talk how russia started its full-scale war against us,
to share how we got through that day, how we’ve been getting through these 2 years,
these 10 years,
to swear, to cry, to just be there in this together :
17:00 Kyiv time, 10 ET, 15:00 London time on Twitter space
or around 20:00 Kyiv time on Instagram live
До зустрічі.