5 Ukrainian Swearing phrases for when you really need to facepalm
like when watching putin's whatever he is trying to call "elections", or when Pope offered Ukraine to wave a white flag to russia

I have not much words coming to my mind while watching the whatever is happening in russia and territories russian army occupied these days with whatever russia tries to portray as (ugh) “voting”.
Well, maybe one:
П и з д е ц ь
You start with pyh which sounds close to pea by you need a deeper и sound. Then you add z + deh like in depth + ts’ - this is a tricky sound, I know , I know, but it comes with practice, trust me. You can try by saying it like tea + see , but then speed it up with time so the long vowels are cut a bit. ts’. Like closed high hat sound. Pyzdets’.
You could say it for when you’d use “fuck”, or “what the fuc'k”, or “fuck my life”, or “it’s all fucked” or “we’re fucked” or “this is so fucked”… you got the point. Though literally it comes from the word pyzda which means cunt so I was recently told that technically it might be closer to “cunted up” .
It can be used with a loud voice like when something fucked up had just happened. You can also say it stretching the word in a quieter fashion and even almost whispering - the vowels allow for easy stretch, like , pyzdeeeeeeeets’, which will be closer to “fuuuuuck” when you have a quiet realisation of something being fucked up.
It also can be used in a positive sense - to stress how much you like or enjoy something . Like “ I pyzdets enjoy it” . You can check out more on how to use it my ultimate Swearing Ukrainian pack
I could also use х у й н я я к а с ь.
You start with who+ y+ nya (channel you inner Japanese cat) then add ya (think German ) + kah like in car + softened s’ - again, try to start with see and then cut the vowels in the end to make it s’. Khuynia yakas’.
якась (yakas’ ) translates like “some”. It’s a non-swearing word.
Khuynia is a noun, comes from khuy which translates close to dick but is much more strong swearing in Ukrainian and is used differently - while in English dick could mean asshole, in Ukrainian it rarely is used to insult a person (beside like a якийсь хуй з гори - some khuy from a mountain context to stress the randomness and unimportance of a person, can be said directly in a face or behind their backs).
Khuynia is used closed to shit - so yakas’ khuynia can mean “some shit” while being almost none charged emotionally (closer to “this is some weird shit") or light version of “what the fuck”) , and also can be more charged when talking about some fucked up shit.
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I could also call putin (or Pope for that matter ) д о в б о г р а й
You say it like dough +bo + gruh like in grunt + y in the end. It basically comes from довбойоб (dovboyob) which is pretty rude and insulting , close to fcuker , mthfkcr or asshole, and it comes from the word їбати (yibaty) - to fuck. But dovbograi is a bit more covert since it hides the -yob part that comes from swearing word and so is considered milder form. Can be used to insult in the face or behind someones back.
Think of a word cupcake. But a bit ruder.
I could also say б о ж е я к е к о н ч е н е - bozhe yake konchene - where konchene derives from a way to insult someone hinting he/she are covered in semen (don't ask) , since кінчати (kinchaty) is “to finish”. Used as a way to insult, is very rude, also hints that somebody is both an asshole and went crazy. Bozhe is “oh lord” , yake - is “what a” , so together it’s “oh lord what a fcuked up mthfukr” .
came from this video that became a meme (and where you can also here how it is pronounced):
And - if i’m really in the zone - I could combine it with
с к у м б р і я к о н ч е н а.
Skoombria konchena. You know the deal with “konchena” , and skoombriya is “mackerel”. The funny part here is a word game - since konchena sounds close to kopchena (копчена) which is “smoked”.
got it? )
It has the same vibe as “боже яке кончене” and can totally be used in combo as “боже яка кончена скумбрія копчена” - bozhe yaka konchena skoombria kopchena.
So, how does it feel now? Released some tension?
And if you feel it’s still not enough - join me today in 20 minutes for a Swearing Ukrainian 101 space at 17:00 Kyiv time
or join me today a bit later, at 22:00 Kyiv time in for Swearing Ukrainian Instagram live
See you soon and let the swearing force be with you!
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