5 fancy Swearing Ukrainian words for when people are real mthfckng pieces of sh*t
or when they, say, attack civilian apartment building in Odesa, Ukraine, killing 12 people including 5 kids as young as 3 months old

I had only one word stuck in my head all weekend while watching rescuers in Odesa, Ukraine, getting through the rubble, searching for people of was an high raise apartment building - before russian army hit with a drone on the early morning of March 2.
В и р о д к и .
To say it, you begin with “vy” - similar to “we” but with deeper “и” sound - , then you add “rod” and finish it with “ky” with same “и” sound as in the beginning.
Vyh-rod-kyh. Stress the first syllable - and you’re ready.
ВИродки is for plural, вИродок would for one mthfckr. Take all i’ve mentioned and finish it with “doc” instead of “ky"h”. Vyh- roh -doc. Close to when you want to call somebody a monster.
Bear in mind, it’s a masculine gender word when in singular, so use it accordingly.
Technically in Ukrainian виродок means a person ugly from the outside - but really it’s about inside. Somebody who’s lost anything resembling of human.
Perfect match, right?
Pronounce it with me few times. Ви-род-ки. Vy-rod-ky.
Feeling any changes in the body?
You might feel less tense - this is what swearing words help us to release.
If not - we have 4 more.
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Т в а р ю к и .
You pronounce it tvuh-ryuh-kyh. TvarIUky. For plural. TvarIUka (add -kah instead of -kyh in the end, stress for both words on the second syllable ). Translates as animal but in a really insulting way - close to monster and inhuman. Tvariuka is unisex so feel free to use it to address people (or objects) regardless of gender.
Bonus: you cad add їбАний (yie-buh-ny ) or йОбаний (yo-buh-ny) before or after the both words. Honestly, before or after almost any noun in Ukrainian if you want to (need to). It translates as “fucking” and works in a similar way: тварюки йобані would mean fcking animals. Йобані виродки would be closer to fcking monsters .
You could also go even less swearing and say нЕлюди -
pronounce it like neh-liuh-dyh with stress on first -eh ) - literally means not-people, translates loosely as inhuman monsters.
NB: you can add those їбАні (yie-buh-knee ) or йОбані (yo-buh-knee) before or after . Йобані нелюди (yobani neliudy), нелюди йобані (neliudy yobani). Both would mean fckng monsters.
С в о л о т а .
Goes as “svoh-loh-tah”. Svolota. Basically same bastard or animal . Though this one is unisex so could be used towards whoever. Though doesn’t have plural - so for plural you’d need to use some of the previous ones.
Again, feel free to add їбАна (yie-buh-nah ) or йОбана (yo-buh-nah) before or after the word.
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And the final for today:
П о т в о р и .
You start with “poh” , add “tvoh” and finish with “ryh”. Potvory.
Translates as “monsters” and could mean outer appearance but as with виродки it’s more about inner ugliness. Total lack of humanity. Потвори is for plural. For one mthfckr you can use потвора - potvora - which is unisex again so you can be generous with how you use it.
And again, feel free to add їбАна (yie-buh-nah ) or йОбана (yo-buh-nah) before or after the word. Mix and match.
Now, tell me. Does it feel any different? Less tension in your muscles? In your body?
If not, repeat them one more time. And come join me to Swearing Ukrainian 101 space this Sunday, 17:00 Kyiv time, 10 ET, 15:00 London time or Instagram live at 22:00 Kyiv time, 15 ET, 20:00 London time.
See you Sunday.
Let swearing force be with you!
Thank you for your continuous support. Your kind support makes it possible for me to continue sharing stories about Ukraine and let the world know about war russia started against us. If you want to join my effort, you can support my work via buy me a coffee.
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Thank you.
Margo - it is so nice to receive this from you this morning. These are words that should be куvery useful right now. I will join you on Sunday. Please note that the US changes from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time (!!!) again on Sunday. So, we lose an hour and show up an hour “later” here for class on Sunday.
FYI - I told a scammer (in a text) that he was a курва and Йобана Русня. I meant to call him a fucking Russian. I don’t think that Google Translate would tell him what he was, but he made cold calls for real estate investors who want to buy houses (and the property they sit on) from older people and then tear down the houses and make millions of dollars on shoddily constructed homes. He sent me a text, and I don’t think he’ll be contacting me again.
See you Sunday. I hope this week is quieter (except for swearing). I support you. Lots of us support you and Ukraine. We have a democratic challenger to Ted Cruz (Colin Allred) and we hope to kick Cruz out in November.
Margo, thank you for this and today's Twitter Space. мені це пиздець як подобається ))